Phinum - Packaging & Display for Coins Stamps
According to the motto "collecting makes you happy", we have designed a system for Torsten Hornung that is intended as a customer loyalty programme for the retail trade. We all grew up with stamps and coins. In an increasingly digital world, however, these analogue values are disappearing. Therefore, it was a great pleasure for us to develop a
system that focuses on the transfer of knowledge on the subject of coins and stamps. It is a package in the form of a small letter that offers space for information on the subject of stamps. It can be completely unfolded and thus functions in the form of a letter as a carrier of information on the subject of stamps and coins. The packaging letter itself can be easily folded and closed using prefabricated creases. The letters are presented in a cardboard dispenser (displays). The stamps are transported downwards in the display by means of a cardboard clip, which makes it easy to remove them.
Silvia Keckeis ( kaleido )
Packaging design:
Herwig Bischof ( b.packaging )